How to a promote the cause of Breast Cancer effectively to the non-TG i.e. men?
October was the month for Breast Cancer Awareness globally. As one would normally expect, the primary TG for this cause marketing campaign was women but Star Plus and Tata Memorial wanted to get the men involved too.
Star Plus has joined Tata Memorial Centre to give out a message of togetherness. Acknowledging the fact that health is a cumulative responsibility of the entire family, the two conglomerates aim to create a singular impact. They have combined forces encouraging all men to support the special women in their lives to undergo clinical breast examination, as early detection increases the chances of cure. This concept has been brought to life through a commercial… The film has been on air since the 20th of October-Â Afaqs
The involvement of Star Plus (and not the entire Star Network) got me confused as to their objective- by supporting BCA, was the channel trying to please its women TG or by targeting the men, it was trying to get more men to watch the channel? Star Plus, for obvious reasons, was promoting the campaign via its own GEC (General Entertainment Channel). Along with the TV commercial, they had got endorsements from each of the leading male characters from their soaps for the Breast Cancer check up for their on-screen wives. On Twitter, they were using the hashtag of#StandByHer. Coming back to my confusion about this media strategy – the TG for this campaign was Men and the channel is primarily watched by Women. So who were they trying to convince and convert?
If I were marketing @ Star Plus’s Breast Cancer Awareness (cause marketing) campaign…
My Marketing Objective- Get more men to watch the channel and increase Breast Cancer clinical examinations
My TG-
Men: By talking to men about Breast Cancer, they will understand it better and hopefully stand by their partners (All ideas are based on the assumption that Star Plus is ready to spend money- and not just stick to free options like commercials on its own channel or social media)
Sticky Marketing Ideas:
1. Motion Sensing Pink Ribbon Shaped Laser Beam
In Men’s washrooms in high footfall places, install a motion sensing laser near the mirror. It should be at chest height- such that when it senses someone standing in front of the mirror, it throws a ‘pink ribbon’ shaped laser light on the chest of the person. It moves with the person. Rest of the message can be in the form of a poster at the exit of the wash room.
2. The Economic Times
Pin a pink ribbon on the newspaper front page with an ad on a pink paper at the back. The ad should carry a QR code. When scanned, the code would give the list of clinics (city wise) conducting the BCA examination. Men usually read The Economic Times and QR code being a slightly techie element, will interest men. And hopefully encourage action by giving all the requisite information.
3. Sumit Sambhal Lega and Dance Plus
These would probably be the only male centric shows on Star Plus and hence, air an entire episode of each with a pink overlay – like an Instagram photo effect. In each break, give the message of BCA. This being a first, will be memorable for sure.
4. Pink Smoke
If the municipality permits, copious amounts of pink smoke can rise from the terrace of the Star Plus office buildings in Mumbai and Delhi. It can rise from the terrace falling down till the top floor. It will be extremely eye catching.
5. Dance Plus special episode
Let one of the themes for Dance Plus be #StandByHer.
6. Pause live streaming on Star World and Star Sports
Twice or thrice a day on these two channels- freeze frame on the airing of the show and let a pink thought bubble flash on the screen saying- See this show later. Right now you need to see your wife’s health. #StandByHer and the rest of the BCA message.And then restart the live streaming.
7. Star Plus Office Building Pink Ribbon
Create a Pink Ribbon on the exterior of Star Plus Office Building in Mumbai and Delhi with Pink Flowers and project the message in the middle of the ribbon. Let it be a 3-4 floors tall pink ribbon.
These are some of the ideas for Star Plus’s cause marketing for Breast Cancer Awareness. Which one do you think is the best?