Hey, thank you for visiting! While I had a blast sharing quirky and creative marketing ideas across diverse industries on this website, I am thrilled to share that I will now be focusing all that creativity towards exclusively marketing vegan businesses. I so look forward to meeting you at my new address - theveganmarketer.com. Until we meet again…

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Home » The Fun Marketing Game- “Who Can Brand It?”

The Fun Marketing Game- “Who Can Brand It?”

This is a fun marketing game created by If I Were Marketing and played on Linkedin


The rules of the marketing game are simple:


  • Look at the image/ video. 
  • Think industries, products or services that can brand the item/activity shown in the image/video.
  • The connection to the offering / brand has to be seamless.
  • But it need NOT be logical. It could be a creative connection to the offering.


Let your imagination soar!!


Who Can Brand It? Episode 1




Marketing Game Episode 2:



Marketing Game ‘Who can brand it?’ Episode 3



Marketing Game ‘Who can brand it?’ Episode 4



Marketing Game ‘Who can brand it?’ Episode 5



Marketing Game ‘Who can brand it?’ Episode 6



Marketing Game ‘Who can brand it?’ Episode 7



Marketing Game ‘Who can brand it?’ Episode 8



Marketing Game ‘Who can brand it?’ Episode 9



Marketing Game ‘Who can brand it?’ Episode 10



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