Continuing with marketing innovations for ecommerce behemoth Amazon India from post 2 and post 1, this closing post is regarding the 2nd marketing objective i.e. To highlight Amazon brand USP of customer service. Mainly the fact that if the customer wants to talk/complain/enquire- they dont have to call Amazon, wait endlessly as the IVR drones on- Amazon calls them (instantly). [As an Amazon customer, this is the feature that made me a big fan of the brand since it is the only e-commerce brand offering it in India right now].
For achieving this, I thought of mass media i.e.internet and radio for a wider reach.
10. Website Treasure Hunt
An innovation for internet that combines the clothing section launch plus the customer call back feature is to conduct a treasure hunt across the clothing section of Amazon. Hide answers to questions in different clothing sections. Direct the customer to the sections where the answers are but they would have to thoroughly see the section to find the answers and move to the next section.
When they reach the last page of the hunt, they will have a call us button (similar to the one that Amazon currently has). Once the person clicks that, they will receive a call from Amazon (like they do in normal cases) and the discount code applicable for the clothing section will be given on the phone.
Objectives achieved through this activity:
- People shop on ecommerce sites for deals. If the end result of treasure hunt is a good deal, they will be interested in playing.
- Going through the clothing section will give them a complete idea of the product range and category depth
- Call back feature will be experienced by the people and only experience can make a believer.
- The loop is closed by giving a discount code specific for the game on the phone specifically for the clothing section.
Disclaimer- The brand needs to figure out how to handle multiple calls without any delays.
11. Radio innovation
A radio version of the website treasure hunt will have the RJ asking questions. And listeners have to find the answers in the Amazon clothing section. For participating, the TG has to click on the ‘Call Me’ button on a separate contest webpage and the RJ will call back. Yet again, need to figure out how to handle multiple calls without any delays.
12. BTL ‘incoming only’ phone booth
Place a phone booth in a mall or some high footfall places. Cover it in clothes. And place a dial-less telephone inside. The thought being, if you want to talk to us, we will call you. You dont need to wait endlessly listening to IVR.
13. Internet ads on the dialless phone idea
Create interactive digital ads with a clothed phone booth on one side of the screen and a dialless phone on the opposite side. A mouse hover on the phone booth makes the diallless phone slide towards it with the message, ‘If you want to talk to us, you don’t call. We will call you’.
With these ideas, I come to an end on my Amazon India series of posts. Would love to hear your take on these posts and ideas. Till then, happy online shopping!!
Update (December 2014)
More than a month after this website published Amazon Fashion posts, the brand launched TV and print ads. They communicate its presence in fashion. Print ads have a similar wardrobe idea to that mentioned in post 1 on Amazon. And TV ads have a similar idea to clothes for every occasion mentioned in post 2 on Amazon.