Hey, thank you for visiting! While I had a blast sharing quirky and creative marketing ideas across diverse industries on this website, I am thrilled to share that I will now be focusing all that creativity towards exclusively marketing vegan businesses. I so look forward to meeting you at my new address - theveganmarketer.com. Until we meet again…

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Thoughts On Marketing

Random musings, abstract thoughts on marketing, advertising and everything in between

Category-thoughts on marketing-www.ifiweremarketing.com

who needs innovative marketing ideas everyone-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Who needs innovative marketing ideas? Everyone!

Everyone needs innovative marketing ideas,except babies & children (except for those children who want to model or act).What are innovative marketing ideas?

can marketing be enthical i think so-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Can Marketing Be Unethical? I Think So!

Does unethical marketing exist? I think so. Marketing can either be like Harry Potter’s Invisibility Cloak or like the Mirror of Erised. Let me explain how.


A Day In The Life Of A Marketing Manager/ CMO

A riveting account of a Marketing Manager whose life went from sunshine to storm and back to sunshine because of a marketing campaign.How?Why?What?Read here

guerrilla marketing yes or no-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Guerrilla Marketing- Yes or No?

Lot of SMEs, startups and even established brands are wary of or unaware about Guerrilla Marketing. Here is a short infographic to help you decide

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