Hey, thank you for visiting! While I had a blast sharing quirky and creative marketing ideas across diverse industries on this website, I am thrilled to share that I will now be focusing all that creativity towards exclusively marketing vegan businesses. I so look forward to meeting you at my new address - theveganmarketer.com. Until we meet again…

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5 ways to impress the customer by combining AI and marketing-www.ifiweremarketing.com

5 Ways To Use AI In Marketing

Using AI in marketing is tricky. If done right, it can help impress customers. Else, it can backfire horribly. Just ask Microsoft or Google.

Read on to find out what is AI, how to combine it with marketing and enough examples and case studies on both, the right and the wrong way to use AI in marketing.

small gestures can make a big brand-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Small Gestures Can Build A Big Brand!

Can we build brand only through big moves? Can’t small gestures work as effectively? Read my experience of brand using small gestures well.

Making Any Business Recession Proof

If you wish to find some ways to keep your business and organization safe from recessions, crisis, uncertainties, then check out the 5 robust strategies of the TELCoS Model of Immunity shared in this TEDx 2021 Talk

new normal-featured image-www.ifiweremarketing.com

The Unseen, Exciting Side of The New Normal

Are you eager and excited for the new normal? See it through the eyes of a marketer. Let this data-backed list of benefits show you the unseen, positive side of the post-Covid-19 future.

customer is your baby-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Customer is your BABY

Customer is NOT King. Customer is NOT your Wife. Customer is your BABY. Read here to find out why.

11 low cost marketing ideas-lead generaion-www.ifiweremarketing.com

11 Low Cost Lead Generation Ideas (Part 2)

Can you get more leads, more inquiries in unusual, low cost, DIY ways? Yes, you can. Here are 11 such lead generation ideas to get you started.

10 visually arresting social media campaigns-www.ifiweremarketing.com

10 Visually Arresting Social Media Campaigns

Social media campaigns are heavy on visuals.Amidst the million visuals,to arrest attention, we would need something visually unique.Here are 10 such examples…

10 creative quick to implement diwali marketing ideas-www.ifiweremarketing

10 Quick To Implement Diwali Marketing Ideas

Diwali 2017 is just around the corner.If you want to do some quick marketing to get more people to enter your retail outlet,try these 10 creative ideas…

who needs innovative marketing ideas everyone-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Who needs innovative marketing ideas? Everyone!

Everyone needs innovative marketing ideas,except babies & children (except for those children who want to model or act).What are innovative marketing ideas?

can marketing be enthical i think so-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Can Marketing Be Unethical? I Think So!

Does unethical marketing exist? I think so. Marketing can either be like Harry Potter’s Invisibility Cloak or like the Mirror of Erised. Let me explain how.


A Day In The Life Of A Marketing Manager/ CMO

A riveting account of a Marketing Manager whose life went from sunshine to storm and back to sunshine because of a marketing campaign.How?Why?What?Read here

3 clever print innovations-www.ifiweremarketing.com

3 Clever Print Innovations- A Curated List

What are some of the simplest yet effective print innovations of the last few months?There have been many but here are 3 that have stayed with me…

guerrilla marketing yes or no-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Guerrilla Marketing- Yes or No?

Lot of SMEs, startups and even established brands are wary of or unaware about Guerrilla Marketing. Here is a short infographic to help you decide

political marketing-hillary clinton-is it too late for hillary clinton- www.ifiweremarketing.com

Is it too late for Hillary Clinton?

US political marketing has become a battleground of towering personalities-Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump. Here are sticky marketing ideas to help Clinton

13 Clever Ideas If I Were Marketing at Women's Horlicks-www.ifiweremarketing.com

13 Clever Ideas : If I Were Marketing @ Women’s Horlicks…

Inspite of being one of the first players in the health drinks/ milk additives market to launch a Women specific drink, Horlicks still has a long struggle ahead of it. Here are some business marketing ideas to help in the process

9 Clever Ideas If I Were Marketing at Hershey's Syrups India-www.ifiweremarketing.com

9 Clever Ideas: If I Were Marketing @ Hershey’s Syrups India…

Dessert additive category in India is fairly niche with largely local brands like Amul/ Manama/ Mapro in the market. Hershey’s is the only big player to enter this market. So educating the customers is going to be their task. Here are some innovative marketing ideas to help in this endeavour.

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