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Home » B2C Marketing » 9 Clever Ideas: If I Were Marketing @ Colgate Gel Toothpaste

9 Clever Ideas: If I Were Marketing @ Colgate Gel Toothpaste

9 Clever Ideas If I Were Marketing at Colgate Gel Toothpaste-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Continuing with Colgate, gel toothpaste is the only other toothpaste category in India where Colgate does not have leadership, the first one being sensitive toothpaste category which we dealt with in the previous post.

……Gel: The second biggest segment (Rs 1,500 crore) and the only one where Colgate significantly trails the leader Close-Up (60 per cent market share)- The Hindu Business Line

Both the brands are fighting it out pretty strongly on the social media space, especially Facebook. Both are trying to talk to the youth, which I believe Colgate was forced to do since Closeup has always been a youth centric brand. But Closeup being the 1st gel toothpaste in India and the first one to talk to the youngsters, has got a head-start over Colgate. So in this scenario,

If I were marketing @ Colgate Max Fresh Gel Toothpaste…

My TG: All adults – Closeup has carved a niche for itself in the young consumer’s mind which will be very difficult for Colgate to overcome. Hence, it is better to target as yet untapped adults for Colgate Max Fresh.

My Marketing Objective: Increase mindshare for Colgate Max Fresh versus Closeup

The main message/thought for communication: Closeup has always been about ‘Young Love’. Colgate, on the other hand, has always been a family brand. So to carve a niche for itself, Colgate should show its maturity and family connect in its Max Fresh communication too. On Social Media, the brand can talk to the youth since they are the most active on social networks.

Sticky marketing ideas:

1. Fresh breakfast recipe radio show

colgate gel toothpaste- fresh breakfast radio show-www.ifiweremarketing.com

For the early risers/mothers/housewives, create a show on morning radio for fresh breakfast recipes. The thought being ‘Fresh mornings, fresh day starts with Max fresh toothpaste and fresh food.’ This would be useful too since after brushing teeth and freshening up, the next thing to do is prepare breakfast for the family.

2. Fresh jokes radio show

Another morning chore which is necessary but kills freshness is the daily commute to office and the traffic therein. To talk to the office goer, stuck in traffic and to help him stay fresh for the office day, create or sponsor a morning fresh jokes segment on radio- ‘Max fresh, max fun.’

3. Tata Sky Education channel

colgate gel toothpaste-tata sky educational channel-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Create a demo video on how toothpaste results in freshness and the benefits of freshness. This is mainly to target the mothers who may use such a channel for teaching kids.

4. Grocery Aisle

colgate gel toothpaste-grocery aisle-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Place Colgate Max Fresh toothpastes in the fresh fruits and vegetable aisles in the malls because we want to say- Colgate Max Fresh, switch on the power of freshness.

5. Toothpaste + Dry Ice Hoarding

colgate gel toothpaste-toothpaste dry ice hoarding-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Take one hoarding in a prime area in the city and do an innovation. Have the Colgate Max Fresh larger than life toothpaste tube jutting out from top of the hoarding with the toothpaste flowing down and place dry ice strategically such that it looks like there is cool fog emitting from the toothpaste. The USP to highlight here is Cooling Crystals result in freshness.

6. ‘Wake up fresh’ Social media promotion and campaign

colgate gel toothpaste-wake up fresh social media and promotion campaign-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Here is a multi pronged idea for Colgate Max Fresh:

  1. Create a Facebook contest wherein only if a person shares with all his/her friends, he gets a promo code that entitles him to buy Colgate Maxfresh toothpaste from an e-commerce partner (e.g. Amazon, Paytm, Snapdeal) at a good discount for their next 4 purchases plus any other goodies that the e-commerce partner may want to give.
  2. The contest will be open only from 6am to 7am on D-Day.
  3. The run up to the D-day should contain useful content like constant tips to wake up early in the morning, to wake up fresh and bright and each tip should highlight Colgate Maxfresh benefit of freshness.

The main benefits from this campaign could be-

  1. Increased current and future sale because of the promotion
  2. Increased awareness because of the social sharing
  3. Reiteration of the main product benefit of ‘freshens you up’
  4. Tie-up with an e-commerce partner will help you get some additional goodies from them to entice your customers since simply getting a discount on a toothpaste may not be enough to induce action.

7. Tie up with food chains

Tie up with any food chain like McDonald’s or KFC or Dunkin Donuts a chain which gives mint with the bill. Instead of mint, give sample tubes of Colgate Maxfresh with bill- the ‘Colgate Maxfresh, a cooling mouth freshener‘. Since after meals, people want fresh breath, the brand message will be delivered at the right time and in the right context.

8. Movie Theatre tie up

colgate gel toothpaste-movie theatre tie up-www.ifiweremarketing.com

Tie up with PVR Cinemas to place a 5 ft tall 3D Colgate Max Fresh toothpaste box with glow in the dark outline. Place it near the exit with the message- Movie freshened you up? If yes, then try Colgate Maxfresh for similar freshening effect. If no, then try Colgate Maxfresh for freshening up.” If need be, free samples may also be given out to the audience.

9. Joggers’ Park

colgate gel toothpaste-joggers park-www.ifiweremarketing.com

In the mornings, people go for a walk or a jog for a fresh start to the day. Let a 3D Colgate Maxfresh too go for a brisk walk in select parks in select cities, the thought / message being- Colgate Maxfresh gives a fresh start to your day.

These are some fresh ideas for Colgate Maxfresh. How do you like them? Any feedback?

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